What to do when your PDE5I does not work like it should…

Are you in this situation? You have been suffering from Erectile Dysfunction (ED) for some time and finally got down to see your doctor. After giving you a thorough check-up your doctor decided to prescribe you one of the PDE5Is (i.e. Viagra, Cialis, Levitra or a generic brand).

You wait till the moment is right and finally pop a pill. But Oh No! Things don’t quite go according to plan. Your erection still is not as good as you want it to be. Your Viagra does not work!

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These are a few things you can take note of:

1. It does not always work on the first time

All the medicines Viagra, Cialis, Levitra have a cumulative effect. In other words, the second time you try the pill the effect will be better than the first, the third will be better than the second and so on.

Usually most people will experience the full maximum effect of the pills after about 6 to 8 tries. You should use the pill at least 1 time a week for the benefits to build up.

2. Make sure the dose is right

The highest doses of the 3 different medicines are:

  1. Viagra (or equivalent generics) 100mg
  2. Cialis 20mg
  3. Levitra 20mg

Sometimes, your doctor might start you on a lower dose because of various reasons. If this does not work, talk to your doctor about increasing the dose.

By the way, Cialis also comes in a 5mg dose which is to be taken daily. If your doctor has prescribed this to you, you should expect the effects to kick in only after 5 days on the pill.

3. Watch what you eat

Always try to take the pills on an empty stomach for best effect. A full stomach, especially oily food, reduces the absorption of the medicine.

Also, alcohol causes you to lose your erection. So if you are having a really heavy drinking session, don’t expect the pills to work too well.

4. The same things don’t work the same for the same people

The 3 medicines Viagra, Cialis and Levitra come from the same family but they have their differences. So you would expect some to work better for some people than others.

In other words, if you have tried Viagra and it does not work for you, you might want to try Cialis or Levitra. They may work better.

5. It could be your other pills

Some medicines can cause erectile dysfunction as a side effect. The most common ones are the ones that are used to treat High Blood Pressure.

Check with your doctor if your medicines cause ED and if they do, check with him if you can change it to a medicine that does not.

6. Beware of generics

Viagra lost its patent very recently. So now there are many different brands of generic Viagra available.

Although most generics are of good quality, there are some that are not as good. If you are using a generic medicine and find that it does not work, you should try the original medicine before deciding if it works for you or not.

7. What is your T level?

Low Testosterone is a very common problem especially if you are overweight or have a medical problem like diabetes or high blood pressure.

If your Testosterone is low, your medicines to treat ED may not work as well. Speak to your doctor about checking your Testosterone levels.

8. Going to the bathroom much?

If you are going to pass urine very frequently, or wake up 2 times or more at night to go to the toilet, you may have what doctors call ‘Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms’. This may be due to prostate or bladder problems. This can all cause ED.

After you treat this, your ED will improve.