Author Archives: healthshop

Premature ejaculation is related to what factors

The relationship between kidney deficiency, kidney deficiency and premature ejaculation , kidney deficiency and kidney deficiency are professional terms in traditional Chinese medicine, and the concept is relatively broad. Kidney deficiency and kidney deficiency can be seen in impotence and premature ejaculation, but many people do not understand these symptoms. Kidney”, the male urinary system, reproductive system, etc. will be involved, and […]

How men get urinary tract infections

What are the clinical symptoms of a male urinary tract infectionUrinary tract infection is a common urinary system disease caused by pathogenic bacteria invading the urinary system . Due to various reasons, the number of urinary tract infections in men has increased in recent years. Because of face, men are very taboo to go to the hospital for treatment, often delaying the timing of […]

HEALTH INFORMATION Can Mental Disorders Cause Infertility?

Male infertility is a problem for many patients, and it also causes great harm to the patient’s body and mind. In fact, there are many reasons for infertility, and some of them are caused by psychological FF disorders. Mental disorders, you can give birth normally. Let’s take a look at what causes male psychological FF disorders.   Infertility […]

How to effectively prevent prostate cysts

What is a prostate cyst? Prostatic cysts are cystic changes that occur due to congenital or acquired causes of the prostate gland . How can prostate cysts be prevented? To prevent prostate cysts, the following points should be followed: 1. Pay attention to personal cleanliness and wash your lower body every night . 2. Don’t overwork and avoid catching cold. Adjust the […]

Main causes of male infertility

In recent years , the number of infertile people has been increasing year by year, and many people think that childlessness is a woman’s business. In fact, this seems wrong. The incidence of male infertility   What are the causes of male infertility: 1. First of all, smoking and drinking. Severe nicotine and alcohol in alcohol can reduce the secretion […]

What causes prostate pain

For patients, prostate pain is undoubtedly an emotional disturbance. It may be caused by many factors, such as: sedentary, long-distance running, long-distance cycling or other physical activities, etc., and cold exposure may aggravate the symptoms. Clinically , some patients show symptoms such as persistent frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, and prostate discomfort, but there are often no […]

What are the causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia

Understanding the causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia and avoiding it in time will help to effectively prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia. At the same time, after understanding the cause, patients can also receive targeted treatment, which is also very important. So, what is the cause of benign prostatic hyperplasia? We will now give you a detailed introduction. Aging, physical health problems […]