Indian Extra Super Tadarise (erection aid + sex delay)
Dosage: Take with warm water on an empty stomach, 60-180 minutes before intercourse.
Dosage: The recommended dose is 40MG (half tablet), up to 1 time per day. If the effect is not good, can be adjusted to 80 mg (1 tablet)
Contraindications: Patients with a history of heart disease and stroke in the last six months should not use, take on an empty stomach, do not eat and drink tea, alcohol, functional drinks, fatty foods 2 hours before taking, it will affect the effectiveness of the drug. Don’t drink alcohol after taking, it will increase the adverse reactions of cardiovascular and nervous system. Do not overdose, prohibited under 18 years of age, and stop having sex immediately if chest pain occurs during sexual intercourse.
Side effects: Common side effects include nausea, dizziness, headache and diarrhea. The side effects are temporary and will disappear soon. Drinking more warm water will have a relieving effect.
※Example: Finish dinner at 7:00 pm, take the pill after 9:00 pm and start fucking after 10:00 pm. Do more foreplay before insertion to let the drug take full effect.

Frequently asked questions about India Tadarise
1. Q: What are the versions of Indian Tadarise available? What are the ingredients and content?
A: Indian Tadarise is divided into single-acting and double-acting, single-acting Tadarise has 5mg/capsule and 20mg/capsule two versions, its ingredients are tadalafil (tadalafil), Tadarise double-acting tablets contain both tadalafil (tadalafil) and dapoxetine (dapoxetine), the dose has two versions, one is called ordinary Tadarise double-acting, containing 20mg Tadarise + 60mg piritin, the other is called super Tadarise double-acting, containing 40mg Tadarise + 60mg piritin. +The other is called Super Tadalafil, which contains 40mg of Tadalafil + 60mg of Pirenz.
2. Q: Does Tadarise have a delaying function?
A: Tadarise does not have a pharmacological delay function, its component tadalafil (tadalafil) only has the function of erection aid, increase the number of sexual life, reduce the sage time. Some of the people taking Tadarise feel that the delayed effect is only psychological, or their glans sensitivity after a number of sexual acts resulting in the delay. The only time extension drug currently approved by the CFDA is BILIJIN, whose ingredient is dapoxetine. The only CFDA-approved drug is dapoxetine, which is a dapoxetine ingredient.
3. Q: Can long-term use of Tadarise cause permanent erectile dysfunction?
A: No, neither the FDA nor the CFDA has any official description of the side effects in their official descriptions.
4. Q: How do I take Tadarise and Tadarise Dual Action? It doesn’t matter if I eat, right?
A: It can be taken with food or on an empty stomach. Of course, in the case of an empty stomach, Tadarise and Tadarise Dual Action are more easily absorbed, but their side effects are also slightly more pronounced. In addition, when taking Tadarise double effect, do not practical greasy food, may lead to nausea.
There are two types of Xanax: [take on time] and [take as needed].
When you take it on time, you have to take one capsule of Tadarise 5mg every day for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, and the process of stopping it gradually, that is, one capsule every day for the first month, and then one capsule every two days, and then two capsules every week to see the effect, until you stop taking it, in order to achieve the effect of treatment.
When you take it as needed], just take it 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse.
5. Q: What is the recommended frequency of taking Tadarise Dual Action?
A: The recommended frequency of taking Tadarise 20mg version and Tadarise Dual Action is no more than 3 times a week.
6. Q: What are the common side effects of Tadarise and Tadarise Dual Action?
A: The side effects given by the FDA include: headache, indigestion, back pain, muscle pain, blazing redness of the face, and nasal congestion. This is a combination of all possible side effects. The common feedback is a mild cold symptom that gradually returns as the effect of the drug wears off. If the dose is reduced, for example, by taking half a capsule of Tadarise or Double Action, the side effects are basically not felt.
7. Q: Does Tadarise have any effect on sperm?
A: Tadarise has no effect on sperm. Both the FDA and CFDA state that Tadarise has no effect on sperm. According to the feedback, the children born after taking Tadarise are healthy.
8. Q: Can I drink alcohol with Tadarise and Double Action?
A: Alcohol can be consumed with Tadarise without affecting its effectiveness or increasing side effects. The double-acting tablets can be consumed with a small amount of alcohol, but a large amount of alcohol will cause the delay to fail.
9. Q: No effect after taking Tadarise?
A: There is a certain percentage of people who are not sensitive to the ingredients of Xanax, among the feedback received, only 3 cases occurred in more than 1000 cases of users. It is recommended to increase the dose to 40mg, and if it is still ineffective, it is recommended to switch to Viagra or Albuterol. Some people may switch to taking it on an empty stomach for absorption reasons.
10. Q: Which is better, Tadarise or Viagra?
A: In terms of duration of action, Viagra is 2-3 days and Viagra is about 7 hours. In terms of erection, Viagra is an autonomous erection, i.e, no sexual stimulation is needed after taking it, while Tadarise requires sexual stimulation to get an erection, which is more intelligent. In terms of side effects, Tadarise is milder. In terms of sales, although Tadarise is a latecomer, global sales have surpassed Viagra.
11. Q: What is the effect of Tadarise Dual Effect delay? Will the pleasure disappear?
A: Clinical data show that it is three times the normal time, that is, the usual 10 minutes, after taking up to 30 minutes, the actual feedback from the situation, you can do to put away, under normal circumstances for about 1 hour. As its ingredients in the Billigin is not to reduce the touch to achieve the delay effect, so the pleasure does not disappear.
12. Q: Is there anything special to note when taking Tadarise or Double Action?
A: You should not take it together with nitrate antihypertensive drugs. The interaction between Tadarise and antihypertensive drugs will enhance the antihypertensive effect and lead to fainting, but Tadarise Bunsen burn will not lead to lowering of blood pressure.
13. Q: Will the erection and delay effect disappear after I stop taking Tadarise or Double Action?
A: When you stop taking Hee-Alert for erectile dysfunction and Brylcreem for premature ejaculation, you will only get the corresponding improvement and will not cause regression of function.
【药品名称】:extra super tadarise ( 外盒及铝片有有 EXTRA 字样的就是俗称最强的超级犀利士,就是指这产品 )
【生产厂家】:sunrise 桑瑞製药厂(印度三大药厂,全球十大药厂)
【药品成份】:他达拉非 40mg TADALAFIL + 达泊西汀 60mg Dapoxetine
【药品功效】:双效,助勃起+延时 ( 他达那非是助勃起 + 达泊西汀是治早洩)
产品名称 | 成份剂量 | 功效 | 价格 |
礼来犀利士 | 他达拉非 20mg | 助勃起单一功能 | 1颗约400元 |
桑瑞犀利士 | 他达拉非 40mg + 达泊西汀 60mg | 助勃起+持久 双效 | 1颗约100元 |
先试半颗就好,吃后约1-2小时会感觉头昏,记得喝多点水让药性均匀吸收且副作用很低 (有的人可能会轻微拉肚子1.2次)这都属正常副作用
勃起功能障碍 Erectile dysfunction , ED是指阴茎阳痿早洩不能勃起达到一定的程度或者不能维持勃起的状态以满足性生活的需求。过去人们都是用阳萎(Impotence)一词来形容,阳痿早洩但目前?止ED一词会更确切,阳痿早洩因?阳痿一词带有一定歧性的贬义。ED按照其程度可分?轻、中、重三度,阳痿早洩阳痿属于重度的ED。
ED 本身并不是一种致命性疾病,阳痿早洩但对男人们的生活质量和身心健康有著严重的影响,而且在夫妻感情、家庭和睦等社会问题上也会有著一定阻碍作用,阳痿早洩所以我们说ED是影响面较广的男性常见多发病。然而,在传统文化的影响下,以及过去缺乏简便、安全、有效的治疗方法,只有10%的ED患者会去寻求医学上的治疗,阳痿早洩而绝大多数患者却都默默地承受著ED给自己带来的所有痛苦。随著勃起生理和病理研究的进展,阳痿早洩人们认识到心理因素确实可以引起 ED,但对于广大男性来说,ED与许多疾病(高血压,糖尿病,心血管疾病)、药物、阳痿早洩外伤及手术等有关,阳痿早洩因? 勃起机制是阴茎海绵体平滑肌松弛,阴茎动脉扩大张,阳痿早洩血流增加和静脉回流受阻等完整血液动力学过程。
什么是 阳痿?